System Software Update v1.1.22 Preview
We've got some exciting news to share -- Polymega System Software Update v1.1.22 will be releasing next week!
With this update Polymega now supports Saturn MPEG games and SSP patches. Additionally, we've added Cheat Codes, 240p support, an improved patch browsing interface, plus hundreds of new games added to Polymega's database for the release of the EM05 Ultra Element Module. Of course, we've also added tons of smaller quality of life features and squashed many-a-bug! Would you like to know more?
1. MPEG/VCD card support for Sega Saturn
You can now play the impressive MPEG video enhanced games from the Sega Saturn Library such as Lunar: Silver Star Story MPEG-ban, Gungriffon (Japanese Version), and Falcom Classics Collection (Disc 2).

2. New Patch Browser and Support for SSP patch files.
We've been getting lots of support requests for this patch format, and with this update we're delivering the ability to load and play SSP patches on your Polymega.

The Patch selection interface has also been completely overhauled to make it easier to use. Find and filter for your patch, select it, and apply it to your game. Once applied, the patch will inherit the game tile icon for the game which you've applied it to, making it easier than ever to find your ideal patch at a glance. Patches now have a progress indicator when being applied to your game, as well.

3. Support for Gameshark, Game Genie, and Action Reply cheat codes.
In addition to entering codes manually (and the ability to stack multiple codes for a custom experience), you can also select from a list of pre-defined cheat codes on a per-game basis. There's thousands of codes available right in Polymega's user interface, so it's easier than ever to see what's available and try out some interesting modifications to your favorite games.

4. Ultra Element Module EM05 Database.
With the imminent release of Polymega's Ultra Element Module EM05, we're deploying the entirety of the N64 database to every Polymega on v1.1.22 or higher so you can start building your Wishlist of N64 games right now! The EM05 Ultra Element Module will be available for pre-order in the very near future so keep an eye on our website for updates.

There's a lot more to this update than just these few points, and you can find the full patch notes below. The anticipated launch date for this update is September 20th, 2022 (PST).
New Features:
- Added the full N64 Game Catalogue to Polymega's game database (N64 DD Games not included).
- Added Sega Saturn MPEG/VCD card support for game titles which feature MPEG functionality.
- Added SSP Patch File support.
- Added Cheat Code support for Gameshark, Game Genie, and Action Replay.
- Added a new, improved patch browser that allows for search, filtering, etc.
- Added a progress bar for patching CD games.
- Added cache support to CD game patches. After patching for the first time, all successive plays will apply the patch almost immediately so long as the media which supplied the patch is present.
- Added 240P video output (beta) allowing you to play Polymega on a retro CRT display using an HDMI to Composite or RGB adapter. This can be selected from the Video Settings > Adjust Screen Resolution page. In this mode, Polymega's User Interface will be letterboxed at a higher 4:3 resolution and drop to 240P when you play games.
- Added 720p Video Output support.
- Added 50hz mode for TV's which support it.
- Added XE-1 AP Controller support on EM03 Mega and EM04 Turbo Modules.
- Added support for many USB Audio devices such as headsets and headphones. Audio will automatically re-route from HDMI once a compatible device is connected.
- Added Game Time Played Tracker for each game. This shows the amount of time you've played the game so far. This data is displayed in the game info row below the game title at various locations in Polymega's User Interface.
- Added a new "Mark as Completed" option to the Game Management screen. Marking a game as Completed places the game in a special "Completed Games" playlist on your home screen so you can keep track of the games you've beaten.
- Added support for Bulk Transfers of games from one storage device to another. You can do so in the Storage Settings screen, select Manage, then Bulk Transfer and select the games (or Select All) that you want to move to another logical device.
- Added a new screensavers to Polymega - "Pachinko", "Rebound", "Nostalgia Field", "16-bit Blobs"
- Added the ability to hide the "Recently Added" playlist from the home screen.
- Added the ability to remove individual games from the "Continue Playing" row.
- Added Filter Pin functionality in Playlist Edit view.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Dark Forces (PS1) on Polymega PS1 BIOS.
- Fixed Last Blade 2. Now supports both original and Polymega NGCD BIOS.
- Fixed NES so that Zapper isn't automatically enabled. This resolves issues where certain games could not use the 2nd player because the Zapper was enabled, such as in Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt.
- Fixed Centurion: Defender of Rome, Madden NFL 98, Onslaught, Slaughter Sport, Soldiers of Fortune, Star Control, Wayne's World, and certain versions of Mortal Kombat so that they can now be used on EM03 Mega Module.
- Fixed Japanese NGCD Games that support English language, but weren't released in NA, so that they can now be installed as NA titles. Affects: Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Ironclad, Futsal / Pleasuregoal, Magical Drop 2, Neo Driftout, Oshidashi Zintrick / Zintrick, Overtop, Power Spikes II, Shinouken / Ragnagard, Tengai Makyou Shinden - Far East of Eden / Kabuki Klash, and Twinkle Star Sprites.
- Fixed an issue on MD/GEN where certain games would not work correctly unless a 3 button controller was being used.
- Fixed MSU-1 audio normalization so it will happen almost immediately for all successive plays.