System Update v1.1.15 is now available. Please use the System Update button in the System settings to get the latest version. Please note that you can find the content of previous System Software Updates in the changelog

  • Galaxian (Famicom) can now be loaded after installation.
  • Aspect Ratio Settings in the Virtual Display are now saved correctly on a per system basis.
  • Playlists are now automatically removed if all games within the playlist are removed from your collection.
  • NVME drives (and some USB/MicroSD drives) are once again properly formatted using the format command in the System Storage settings menu.
Note: Any microSD or USB drive formatted using v1.1.14 will need to be formatted again. If you are one of the small number of people who did this and already have files on these drives, please back the files up to another device (such as a Windows PC), then format the drive again on Polymega using v1.1.15, and then copy the files back over to the newly formatted drive from your other device and it should work correctly.